Alex Hind
Alex Hind CEO ve kurucu ortağı olduğu Hekaekibiniz için binlerce esenlik deneyimi, hizmet ve ürün sunan bir çalışan yan hakları platformudur.
Your onboarding strategy is the beginning of an ongoing relationship. It’s the point at which first impressions are made, and new employees find their feet. Getting the employee experience right is crucial to building healthier, happier teams. The answer? Well-being in the workplace.
Through various initiatives, leaders can support people in building better lives - a high priority for most people in the workplace. Take a look below at some of the ways in which a robust well-being strategy can complement your onboarding efforts.
Let’s start by talking about first impressions and what a solid well-being package says about your company. When new employees join, they begin to piece together the puzzle that is your culture. In those initial weeks, having a set of well-being initiatives demonstrates a clear message to new starters…
"Çalışanlarımızın sağlığını ve mutluluğunu önemsiyor ve onları destekleyerek en iyi şekilde çalışabileceklerini biliyoruz."
To achieve this, leaders must not only provide a range of incentives but also instill a culture of well-being into the workplace. New starters need to see that your business values relationships, openness and trust.
Evidence of well-being in your workplace is the best way to ensure new joiners begin on the right foot. In the onboarding phase, introduce them to all the ways in which you take well-being seriously.
En başarılı işletmelere baktığımızda, onların alışılmışın dışındaki iş yapış biçimlerini görmezden gelemeyiz. İşe alımdan teşviklere ve genel kültüre kadar, iş dünyasının en büyükleri parlayan bir örnek olmalıdır.
For instance, Microsoft goes to great lengths to take care of its people. Most employees are able to access medical, dental and vision benefits with the company. That’s not all, on-campus clinics are also a reality for most employees. The company also emphasizes company-wide events that help employees build stronger relationships with each other.
While larger businesses also have larger pockets to invest in health and well-being, it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are a number of well-being initiatives that are cost-effective and can help you develop a foundation for success.
With onboarding, you want to give your employees the best opportunity to work to their full potential - and it is with a robust well-being strategy that this foundation can be built.
It isn’t just about showcasing your long list of well-being initiatives - a solid well-being strategy for employee health and happiness achieves much more than that. When you take well-being seriously in the workplace, you also help enhance employee retention and job satisfaction from the get-go.
Mevcut "Büyük İstifa" ikliminde birçok işveren için zor zamanlar yaşanıyor. İnsanlar her zamankinden daha hızlı hareket ediyor ve iş ilanları daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar çok açılıyor. Çalışanların yaklaşık %16,5 'inin ilk hafta içinde işten ayrıldığı bir dünyada, liderlerin elde tutmayı doğru şekilde yapmaları çok önemli.
İşverenler, işe yeni başlayanların sağlığı ve mutluluğu konusunda ekstra dikkat göstererek ilk hafta veya ilk ay işten ayrılmaları önleyebilirler. İnsanlar işyerinde değerli olduklarını hissetmeye ihtiyaç duyarlar, yeni bir pozisyona başlamak gergin ve kafa karıştırıcı bir süreçtir. Kesin olan bir şey varsa, o da yeni çalışanlarınızın mevcut ekip üyelerinden daha stresli hissedebilecekleridir.
Dinlerken aktif olun, onların yerinde olsaydınız nasıl hissedeceğinizi göz önünde bulundurun ve işe başlamak için gereken her şeye sahip olduklarından emin olun.
We couldn’t leave you without a range of employee well-being ideas. Take a look at the list below and consider the various ways in which you can boost the well-being of your team. Remember, this list is by no means exhaustive, and should be more of a starting point to a much larger strategy.
There you have it, three ways in which employee well-being can complement your onboarding strategy. These reasons should see leaders realize the true power of healthier, happier employees.
In the aftermath of COVID-19, mental health initiatives and well-being practices were much needed in the workplace. A surge of employers did adopt tactics to boost well-being in the workplace, and many more have since followed.
These organizations realize that It’s their duty as leaders to support employees in any way possible. More than ever, employees are looking to the workplace for financial well-being support, mental health, holistic health and many other key areas.
Ultimately, to neglect employee well-being is to fall behind in the modern workplace. What will you do to stay ahead of the game?